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Make Sure Your Luggage Can Be Easily Identified

Friday, 1st May, 2015

On a recent flight I disembarked the aircraft, stopped at the newsagents to purchase a local newspaper and then headed down to the baggage carousel to collect my suitcase. The flight had been fully booked and there was a large crowd waiting as the luggage came out to the eager passengers. A couple of times a suitcase that looked mine came towards me on the carousel. I pushed through the crowd, struggled to get it off the carousel only to find it wasn’t mine. Eventually  the crowd thinned and there was only one bag was left on the carousel. Unfortunately this suitcase looked similar to mine but it belonged to someone else.

Make sure your luggage can be easily identified

Make sure your luggage can be easily identified

Downcast I headed to the airline’s Baggage Services Counter. The airline’s customer service agent quickly realized what had happened. Someone (the owner of the bag on the carousel) had taken my suitcase in error and as he had not put a baggage name label on his bag there was not much that could be done until he realized his mistake. Apparently this happens all too frequently. The airline phoned me later that night to advise me the passenger who had taken my bag had finally been in touch. Unfortunately after arriving and grabbing my suitcase he had jumped in a rent-a-car and headed six hours inland. It would be a further 24 hours before I had my luggage!

That day I learnt a lesson, it was just as important for other people to realize that my bag was not theirs as it was for me to recognize it on the carousel. These days I don’t tie yellow ribbons or tinsel to the handle I just have a smart luggage strap around my suitcase. It distinguishes my suitcase from all the others and I recognize as soon as it makes an appearance. At the same time it gives my suitcase and its contents added protection. Money well spent and I recommend them to all travelers. They are available now from our online shop.


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