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Newsletter November 2014

Friday, 17th October, 2014

It has been so long since I have written but I have had a couple of health issues and also have been working very hard on my book Shop, Eat and Sleep Australia.

The book will raise funds for Ovarian Cancer Australia and Mater Research for further research and education into Ovarian Cancer. I have been lucky enough to have some well-known Australia women agree to take part and give their thoughts and secrets about where to shop, eat have a coffee or just enjoy their home town or an area close to their heart. We have some incredible woman in Australia, some great tourist destinations and I am really excited about putting these together and at the same time raising money for a charity close to my heart.

Also I am thrilled about our new website and services we are planning to add to our business in the future, I am adding a blog so you can keep up with that I am doing but more about all that later.

I was also privileged in October to travel to Vietnam with 10 lucky women to enjoy shopping, eating, sightseeing, having clothes and shoes made and just having wonderful time.  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA We all met up in Hanoi where we were shown the local sights by a wonderful guide I have used before Bel, not only did Bel show us the sights but gave us great insights into the lives of women in Vietnam. We shopped for the beautiful Vietnamese Lacquer ware and saw how it was made; pottery and pearls were also on the list of exciting purchases.

Bel also came with us when we travelled up to Halong Bay and spent a great night out on the water, sitting drinking a gin and tonic whist watching the sunset over the water, it was so relaxing and for me a highlight of the trip.    OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Hoi An came next, this lovely Cultural World Heritage listed area is a firm favourite of mine, with its 400 year old Japanese and various. All the girls made their first call the dressmakers, I use Yaly, it’s probably the biggest in town and maybe a wee bit more expensive but the quality of both the fabric and workmanship is excellent. They also do shoes so not only were the girls busy ordering shoes but boots for those from cooler climates.

We were lucky to be there for the Hoi An Full Moon Festival which is held on every 14th day of the lunar month. The Old Quarter of Hoi An ancient town switches off its electric lights and the brightly coloured lanterns come out, we had great fun setting our little candle lanterns out on the river and making dishes. We loved the markets with their array of spices and although the fish did nto smell all that brilliant it was still fun wandering through the markets.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

 Not up to Angkor but the trip to My Son was magical and give us an appreciation of the ancient Champa Kingdom.

Finally it was Ho Chi Ming City and from there a visit to the Cu Chi tunnels where we wondered at the ability to live in such basic living conditions.

In between shopping and eating we managed visits to the Old Post Office, Reunion Palace and Saigon’s Notre Dame Cathedral. We finished our tour off with farewell drinks at the Sky bar looking out over the city.

On my way home I called into Bangkok, as your do, for a spot of shopping! There were very few tourists around, making access to shops and places of interest very easy, there were heaps of bargains. Nobody reported seeing any trouble so why not take advantage of the great prices and visit Bangkok for a drop of Christmas Shopping and a relaxing time prior to the hectic Christmas Parties. I will be there 8th till the 13th December and the Rembrandt Hotel has put together a wonderful package for all you fabulous shoppers.

Till next month happy shopping Cheers Wendy

12 responses to “Newsletter November 2014”

  1. Just read your new style newsletter. Great stuff and sorry not to have been on this wondrous trip. G & T on Hawlong Bay – this is very cool Wendy – very British!
    Sorry to be missing the next exciting episode, but will be in Bariloche on 08 December – (my birthday..) I will just follow you on twitter and facebook now. Good luck – everything looks fab. cheers

  2. Robbie Maxwell says:

    Great to have you and the newsletters back, I really wish I could share these experiences with you….one day!!

  3. heather kayatz says:

    Great to have you back.

  4. Kate McCreeryCarr says:

    Lovely read, trip sounded just wonderful, one day I’ll get to join you xxx

  5. Mal says:

    Great to see the newsletters back. Just what we want want to read.

  6. Esma King says:

    welcome back, lovely to hear from you, will be interested in your trips next year

  7. Chris Morgan says:

    You are amazing!

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